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How Much Can Obstructive Sleep Apnea Shorten Your Life?

August 18, 2022 0
sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder in which your breathing stops for a short period of time while you’re sleeping. People who suffer from sleep apnea don’t take enough oxygen at night when they are sleeping, and this causes them to gasp and often wake up. The early you visit your sleep apnea clinics near me, the earlier you are treated. 

Most times, people are unaware of this disease, and they’ve stopped breathing while sleeping and find a regular sleep cycle. This may sound like snoring. Not only breathing problems but also sleeping apnea leads to a number of health conditions, if untreated, such as:

  • Trigger your mental health issues
  • Results in poor immune functioning
  • Contributes memory loss
  • Increase your risk of heart diseases and failure

Some common treatments that your sleep apnea dentist midtown TX recommends include breathing devices, medication, and surgery. But, some natural or home remedies can also improve your quality of life and provide you with better sleep.

How much does sleep apnea shorten lifespan?

Obstructive sleep apnea(OSA) is the most common disorder or type of sleep apnea. In this, your airways collapse or block when you sleep, and this is because your muscles relax and stop working due to age.

Reason for sleep apnea

The blockage of your nasal passage leads to snoring. Unfortunately, many people ignore snoring, which may result in undiagnosed sleep apnea because untreated sleep apnea may shorten your life and result in many severe health diseases. 

OSA resists oxygen inflow to your lungs while sleeping, which affects your health in many adverse ways. Moreover, sleep apnea drastically decreases oxygen intake, affecting your cognitive ability, putting your work at greater risk, or driving-related accidents.

A lack of oxygen in your body may increase the chance of suffering a heart attack. Obstructive sleep apnea may shorten your life by 12-15 years if left untreated.

While no permanent cure for obstructive sleep apnea exists, proper diagnosis and treatment will subsidies its effects. Treatment allows that your Obstructive Sleep Apnea won’t shorten your life.

Treatment and Diagnosis

If you are suffering from sleep apnea, you should visit sleep apnea clinics in uptown Houston for the proper treatment and diagnosis. Your doctor will make a plan for the treatment course with the help of dental appliances and advanced machines, and at last, surgery is the last option.

Based on the severity of your sleep apnea disorder, a doctor may recommend some effective at-home remedies, medication, mouth appliances, and surgery. For mild cases, your treatment is like lifestyle changes or a doctor adding a breathing device to help you sleep better. Sometimes sleep apnea clinic uptown TX uses retainers as sleeping apnea treatment and shifts your jaw position to prevent obstruction.


If your case is more severe, you should never hesitate to contact a sleep apnea clinic in uptown so that you can receive the best treatment.


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